Team Pedro Sauer UK

Professor Ryron Gracie Seminar – May 2016

Professor Ryron Gracie Seminar - May 2016

Two Team Pedro Sauer UK members, Bill Long and Caroline Oakley, made road trip from Essex to Grimsby, for the chance to train with Professor Ryron Gracie on his recent trip to the UK.

After a long drive on the Friday night, a good sleep saw them ready for the day on Saturday.

The first session was ‘Cross Choke Mastery’; a great chance to practice some speedy attempts at securing the cross choke, and different entries to the cross choke depending on the different ways people might try to block or defend the choke.

The second session of the day was ‘Side Control Mastery’. In it, Professor Ryron took time to show some different types of side control and a nice sequence to drill in order to retain side control, as well as the importance of controlling the head.

Other than techniques, Bill commented on some useful strategies discussed; the idea of giving hope to your opponent, allowing them to move, but staying a step ahead. By doing so, allowing you to wear them down and exhaust them faster. He said it “This combined with insights into the benefits of staying relaxed whilst rolling were invaluable” and that it “was a seminar that will stay with me forever”.